Beautiful breasts at any age: Plastic surgery and self-esteem
Every woman dreams of having beautiful, well-proportioned breasts. While the butt of your dreams can often be achieved in the gym, the beauty of your breasts often requires additional support, sometimes in the form of plastic surgery.
During adolescence, bodily changes are intense. Some girls gain curves naturally, while others may need tricks like padded bras to enhance the shape of their breasts.
Some teens receive breast implants as a special gift. Legally permitted from age 15 with parental permission, this surgery can be transformative. At the age of 21 I decided to get silicone implants, a decision that changed my life more than a decade ago. Since then I feel more confident and comfortable with my body, without the need for costumes.
The evolution towards adult women
As girls become women and enter the workforce, many begin to financially plan for the dream of having beautiful breasts through plastic surgery.
Changes over the years
Over time, even those who had surgery as a teenager may consider adjustments to cope with the body’s natural changes. Some choose to increase the size of their breasts or correct the sagging that may occur over the years.
Safety and longevity of implants
Advances in breast implant technology mean that mandatory replacement after 10 years is no longer a necessity. The safety and quality of the materials allow many women to keep their implants for longer, simply by undergoing routine examinations and periodically consulting their surgeons.
Motherhood and changes in the body
Despite the desire to have beautiful breasts, many women temporarily sacrifice aesthetics for motherhood. After pregnancy, some may opt for procedures like Mommy Makeover to restore their body.
Regardless of the path chosen, the search for beautiful breasts reflects the importance of self-care and female self-esteem. At Silimed we understand these desires and are here to help women achieve the confidence and beauty they desire.
Text from our partner @maricanfield